Tuesday, January 17, 2012

and my head keeps spinning...

This'll be a short one, as I desperately need sleep.

Work has been excessively stressful lately. My days keep getting busier, and while I don't mind doing extra work, it seems unfair to have to pick up for coworkers slacking on a regular basis. Add in a lot of stress outside of work (nothing really out of the ordinary, just everyday "adult" things), and its a perfect storm of anxiety. I'm trying my best to keep work stuff at work and separate from my personal life, but that can prove hard, and my success rate goes up and down. For example, last night I did not sleep well because my brain thought it was a good idea to mash up every single stress in my life into one giant, continuous nightmare the entire night. However, this past weekend was one of my finest displays of relaxation and laziness ever. =]

Friday I slept. A lot. I took probably 2 naps [Zach might dispute that]. But it was nice to be kind of lazy, and not get dressed right away. Zach ended up with the day off (he usually works Fridays) and so we went out to dinner. It was extra nice, because we actually got to spend a full two days off together, because normally we only share one day off. We ate entirely too much food [hence my second nap], but it was really good. Saturday we made a giant breakfast: pancakes, hashbrowns, bacon, and I even ate Spam for the first time. We then proceeded to get lost in approximately an entire day's worth of movie and TV watching. That allowed me plenty of time to laze around and knit a hat for myself! I had some extra yarn left over from Christmas projects, and I haven't knitted anything for myself in a long time. I really liked the pattern I made up for Zach's dad's hat, so I did the same thing in very thick and cozy dark purple yarn and.....

So far it has proved perfect for at home, which sounds silly but I keep my apartment at near frigid temperatures and the consistency of heat at Zach's apartment is all over the place (freezing one minute, super hot the next). Plus its super snuggly, so I have thoroughly enjoyed it. =]

Alright, off to bed. Unfortunately, I have to get up early tomorrow so I've got to get myself to bed and hope I can get more than 4 hours of sleep tonight. 

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