Monday, May 16, 2011

the sun is always rising in the sky somewhere

They see me rolling / they hating / patrolling / trying to catch up on my blogs / trying to catch me writing dirty.

[i am on a roll.]

Sunday May 8th: Mothers Day! Which means Alyssa and I took our favorite mom, the BEST mom in the whole world, out to brunch at the Great Dane in Fitchburg. Even though I had to work that afternoon, it was nice to hang out with my mommy for a few hours. [And she made us get up really early to meet her, so I still had enough time to take a bit of a nap before work.]

The rest of the week was pretty uneventful, because it was mostly work. Friday I was not feeling very well, and I didn't really sleep at all the night before, so I spent most of the day in bed. Friday evening I went over to Marley's house for a few hours. She is finally done with school and her crazy schedule, so we are trying to get back into the habit of hanging out every week. Friday was also Andy's birthday, so Zach and I met him and a bunch of other people out at the Great Dane for drinks. We played pool and shuffleboard, and had birthday cake and lots of fun! (Andy was so happy. And I played a really good game of pool. So happy.)

Saturday morning Zach and I went to the Farmers Market again. This time we took a bit more time walking around. Its still not quite the best time of the year for the market, since it's a little early for things to be in season, but it is still nice to go. [My one mistake was not buying cheese curds, because I spent the rest of the day complaining about not having any cheese curds.] The rest of the day was kind of a lazy day, which was just what I needed. I actually feel like I caught up on some sleep.

Today was back to work, for another wonderful workweek. (vomit.) Hopefully from here on out, I can keep caught up on my posting!


  1. Just so you know I do read your blog, I just don't always leave a comment.
    It was wonderful to see you on Easter even though it was such a short time.

  2. lollololol. i have only read the first line and i already know its a good read.... :]
