Monday, December 13, 2010

drive well, sleep carefully

Welllllll, this is quite a bit later than the usual weekly post. But its still Monday, so it counts as being on time! I got home a bit later than usual last night, and my routine was all off so I didn't get around to writing last night, and I've been running around like crazy since the minute I got up this morning.
But this will be short and sweet, because the past week has not been too exciting [despite many plans that ended up getting cancelled...]
With the bit of the blizzard that we experienced this weekend, I didn't get out to do very much. On Friday I went out to dinner and Christmas shopping for a bit with my friend Steph. I was really excited to see her son Jake, because I knit him a pair of mittens. They were super adorable because they were baby sized, and it was awesome to see how excited Steph was too! After I headed over to Alyssa's to say hi to her and Rooster (who she was puppy sitting). I was there just long enough to say a quick hello to my parents before heading home for a night of knitting. [What 24 year old doesn't stay up until 4:30 am on a Friday night knitting herself some mittens?!?!]
Saturday I was supposed to visit with my friend Brianna who was in town from Minneapolis. I was also supposed to go to a birthday party later that night, but I ended up having to cancel all plans due to the weather. =[ I did have to go out to get some groceries, but even the 1.6 mile (roundtrip) trip for groceries wasn't great. I spent the rest of Saturday night working on a drawing I'm trying to get done. [Unfortunately, I can't give the details on that just yet, as it will be a gift for someone who might be reading this! But pictures will be up once its done.]
Yesterday was crazy at work. I was the only supervisor in my area for the entire night and we had a lot of people call in due to the weather and to top it all off had some technical errors midway through my shift that made it a very hectic day. Afterwards I went over to a friend's house for a few hours, and today I spent the day with Alyssa since she will be busy from now until all her classes are done.
Phew....with just minutes to spare, my week in four paragraphs.

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