Monday, November 8, 2010

passing through unconscious states

....I was on the highway....

This past week ended wonderfully with a mini-road trip. I take trips very seriously; I absolutely love the opportunity to drive with the windows down, sunglasses on, singing along to my favorite music as it mixes with the wind.
I left on Friday afternoon for Oshkosh, and despite getting stuck in traffic twice, the ride up was nice. I'd had a bit of stressful week at work so it was kind of nice to just relax in the car for awhile.
Best of all, I got to see some friends from college - Amy and Britny - which was the whole point of the trip. Amy and Ben moved to Oshkosh a few months ago, and I haven't been able to visit yet. Since Ben is gone at Coast Guard boot camp, Britny and I went to visit for a girls weekend. Britny's husband, Nick, stayed with some family, so I felt especially spoiled having the girls all to myself, sans husbands. There was plenty of laughing, homemade truffles, wine, shopping, trashy tv shows, and a plethora of talking. I drove back this morning, which was a beautiful ride with the sky all sunshiny and cerulean the entire way.
Unfortunately, I had to head straight back to work tonight. This week will be a busy at work. I have to conduct my monthly team meetings this week, but because of schedules I will end up breaking it down into 5 separate meetings.
At home, I'm not currently working on any projects. I'm trying to get myself caught up with reading, so most of my free time has been spent reading. I've got lots of ideas and things that I would love to be working on, but there is never enough time.
I'm hoping that the weather stays nice for a little bit longer. Its the perfect temperature now, where I can bundle up in as many layers as I want - two hooded sweatshirts (or cardigans) and a scarf is my favorite. And I love being able to sleep with the window cracked all snuggled into my comforters and pillows. I'm off to burrow into my blankets with a book right now.

Until next week.....


  1. Glad your trip was fun. You need to have fun, smile, laugh and enjoy your time. You deserve it.

  2. I'm glad that you had a good trip. Sometimes it's good to get away without those dumb boys. The weather forecast for the coming week should make you very happy. Are you sure that you're my daughter? My ideal temperature....85 degrees!
