Monday, November 22, 2010

nothing left but sleep

Well, this past week has definitely not been one of the more exciting ones, but I'll give you guys a little update anyways. :)
My addiction to Pumpkin Spice mixers at Culvers is really getting out of control. I think I got 3 this week...maybe only 2, but thats still way more than I needed. Luckily they only have the pumpkin through the end of this month. (So that means I've got to eat enough to last me through the entire year, right?)
This is always one of my favorite times of the year, and I think its partially because all the spices that I really love are so prevalent right now. Cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, ginger, cloves...Plus pumpkin candles, pumpkin lattes, carving pumpkins, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin pies, apple pies, autumn leaves, crisp weather, my birthday. Agh, it's wonderful!!! I've been making my own mulled cider the past few weeks. I buy a huge jug of apple cider and then cook it all at once, and pour it back into the jug so that I can have a nice hot mug every evening. I also baked an apple pie on Thursday (because I had a bunch of apples to use up), and it may have been the best apple pie I've ever made!
As I said, this week was pretty uneventful. I did get to babysit for my friend Steph's son, Jake on Friday night. He is 16 months, and I absolutely adore him. Alyssa went along with me and we played with him for a few hours and had a blast. When we left, he got a little bit upset; that broke my heart, and made the whole night totalllly worth it.
I also have another addiction - a diner called Hubbard's (which my friends and I lovingly call Mother Hubbard's). They have the best french toast I have ever had in my entire life (and I don't really even like french toast that much). I took Alyssa there for the first time last week for breakfast. We were really hungry before babysitting though, so we stopped for dinner. It was my first time eating something other than breakfast, and now I'm convinced that I should eat every single meal there. The morning after babysitting, I ended up going back AGAIN and met Steph and Jake for breakfast.
After breakfast on Saturday, I came home and knit while watching the Badger game. I've been attempting to create my own pattern for some very intricate mittens/gloves, but I have been failing epically so I am going to take a break for awhile. I spent the rest of the evening cleaning. That's right, Saturday night cleaning. I went through the closet where I keep all my arts and crafts supplies, and it was like doing an archeological dig. I found a bunch of stuff that I'd been missing, and even more stuff that I'd forgotten I had. Now that everything is all nice and organized, I might be able to be a little more creatively productive.
As of right now, there are no new projects to report on. I made a goal for myself for 2010 to read a certain number of books (I'll reveal that once I've reached the goal). Currently I am tragically behind schedule to meet the goal by the end of the year, so I've been spending as much time as possible trying to catch up on my reading. It has been a bit hard, because I've been really exhausted lately, so I've been sleeping a lot more than usual. I've also been trying very hard to see my friends and my darling sister more often, which gets tough with everyone being so busy.
Well, I've got a book, my nice comfy bed, and a mug of hot cider calling my name.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


  1. This is my favorite time of year also. I agree on the spices too.
    I hope you're not getting sick. Your comment about sleeping alot has me worried.

  2. Funny, when I sleep alot Gramma doesn't worry. She's just happy I'm not bothering her.

  3. I think you forgot to mention pumpkin MUFFINS!
