Friday, March 1, 2013

2013 Book 3: Bossypants - Tina Fey

I read this book in two sittings, because it was so fucking funny. I know I was incredibly obnoxious while reading it, because I could not stop laughing out loud. After reading the first chapter, I knew I would not be able to read it in public, because I looked like a fool laughing hysterically. I absolutely love Tina's humor. Off the top of my head, I can't think of anything that she has done that I haven't liked in some respect. (I'm sure there are things I'd dislike, but I'm either a) not aware of them or b) not aware that she was behind something I didn't like.)

So, this book sparked some interesting conversation in our house. The book is Alyssa's, and she lent it to me, and I read the first half of it all at once, and Zach heard me laughing non-stop, and Zach read it, and we discussed it.

Alyssa loved it. She read several sections to me while she was reading it, because she thought it was so good.
I LOVED the first half. Especially coming off of a rewatch of the first 6 seasons of 30 Rock, I could not get enough it. (Hence reading the first 130 pages all at once.)
Zach liked it, and then got really angry about it.

Zach's complaint was basically that Tina gets kind of preachy and makes a couple of outright comments and a lot of allusions discrediting her male audience. When Zach first brought it up, I hadn't read it through, so I couldn't really speak to it. Alyssa was not shy about saying that she didn't notice it at all. I don't know if it was because I was sort of looking for it, but I definitely noticed what Zach read into it - and I was also kind of offended. There was one particular quote, where I had to put the book down because I could barely believe that she included something that was so clearly alienating a HUGE part of her audience.

Overall, it was an excellent book, I would definitely recommend it to anyone who likes her style of humor, and I will probably re-read it again someday.

It's hard to narrow down a quote, because there were sooooo many funny things in this book that I want to share, but to list them all would basically just be a reprint of the book. (READ IT ALL!) But, I will begrudgingly narrow it down to just one:
"I was a little excited but mostly just blorft. "Blorft" is an adjective I just amde up that means "Completely overwhelmed but proceeding as if everything is fine and reacting to the stress with the torpor of a possum." I have been blorft every day for the past seven years."
I'm choosing this one because I 10000% relate to this feeling, and because Alyssa came into my office at work to read this quote to me out loud because she thought of me right away when she read it, so I think it means something. =]

Yeah, I definitely cannot recommend this book enough. 

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