Tuesday, February 15, 2011

borne on the fm waves of the heart

Spring is approaching at a much faster pace than I'd like. If we could go straight from the wonderland of winter to the freshness of spring, I would be happy. But there is that seemingly endless period where the mountains of snow melt into rivers of muck, and it makes me really unhappy.

BUT a lot has been going on lately which has been keeping me very busy, and I've been spending my time with people who keep a permanent smile on my face.

One of the best things to happen this past weekend was my first live show in a longggg time. [Far, far too long.] I saw Against Me! on Saturday night. This is one of my favorite bands, and they have been one of my top plays over the past year. I've never seen them live before, so this show was especially exciting to me. I originally had plans to see them with Marley, but she wasn't able to go after getting sick. Luckily I was able to bring Steph along last minute. It was one of the best experiences I've had in a long time. It was so awesome to see Against Me! live; they show was phenomenal. Their stage presence was super-intense which is one of the biggest things for me. They also played a large variety from all of their albums which was nice. And, most importantly, Steph and I had a bonding experience over our love for punk rock - it's always hard to find another girl [especially a friend as close as Steph is] who really loves punk the way I do, so we had an amazing time. 

And, lastly before I head off to bed...

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

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