Wednesday, January 5, 2011

it is not a ....... game

Ooooops. I'm so sorry about the delay on this one. I've been doing a lot of running around the past few days, and so I haven't had a chance to actually sit down and write this. I hope none of you have been sitting by your computers day and night just waiting to hear all about my life. ;)

Well, the past week has not been particularly eventful. Work has been super busy, but by the end of the month I finally got caught up on all of my work and the start of January is a huge relief work-wise. That was about all that was going on for me last week.

I didn't do anything particularly exciting for New Years Eve. I went and saw the movie Black Swan with my friend Steph and her sister Lisa. The movie finished at about 11:55 pm, so we rang in the new year together and I was home by 12:30. Pretty uneventful. Saturday I spent the entire day watching football and cleaning. The Badger game was reallllly sad for me. I'm still extremely proud of the Badgers for going to the Rose Bowl, but the loss was very disappointing. And I can't lie, I may have cried just a little bit. After the game, I suddenly got the urge to clean and I spent like 5 hours going through all my bills and paperwork and other things. I got rid of a lot of stuff and organized the rest, which was a nice relief.

Sunday Alyssa came back to Madison! Mom brought her down and so we met at Hubbard for lunch, and then Mom went back home. Alyssa took my car and dropped me off at work, and then when she picked me up we ran some errands together. However we forgot some things, so we went to the store again on Monday before I had to work. THEN yesterday, Alyssa and I had another afternoon together, and we did something realllllly exciting! We got piercings together at a place downtown!

They're a bit hard to see, especially Alyssa's, but Alyssa got her nose pierced and I got my rook pierced (which is that top part on the inside of my ear). So far our parents have not disowned us, although my mom did mention that I'd have to change my last name. =] 

Anyways, as you can see, the past few days have just been a lot of running around, which is probably no excuse for missing Blog Monday, but I hope you'll understand just this once.  

I hope everyone is having a great New Year so far!

1 comment:

  1. So.....what are you changing your last name to? I don't remember saying anything like that by the way.
