Monday, April 4, 2011

look me in the heart and tell me you won't go

Well. I accidentally skipped a week. I really have no excuse. But I will try to be better about posting in the future! [Also, I am now in an undeclared competition with someone who is trying to show me up with his blog.] Nothing too exciting has been going on. Work has continued to be a huge stressor, which is exhausting. And so by default, I don't feel like doing much of anything outside of work.

Last weekend Alyssa, Zach and I took a trip up to Baraboo for dinner with Mom and Dad. We were super spoiled because they bought us dinner  and Dad bought shots of Jameson for Mom, Alyssa and I. [Yeah, my MOM did a SHOT of ALCOHOL.] Afterwards we went back to my parents house and chatted for a little while and got to play with Rooster, too. Dinner was really the only important thing that I remember from two weeks ago. (Oops, hope I didn't let anyone down with my forgetfulness.)

This week was also not very exciting. Alyssa and I had one of our famed late night shopping trips to SuperWalmart. Let me tell you, SuperWalmart after 11pm is not always a great choice, but there is guaranteed entertainment. There are always crazy people there at that time, and somehow we always end up witnessing shenanigans at the checkout line. Also, everyone in the store decides to check out at the same exact time, so there is a crowd just standing around at the front watching the drama unfold between some cracked out customer and any or all mildly disgruntled employees. ANYWAY....

The best part of this week was when I went out for breakfast to Hubbard. It was a large collection of some of my most favorite people! Alyssa, Stephanie, Jake, Zach, and Andy. We had lots of fun, and some pretty good food, and I tried the raspberry-rhubarb pie which was phenomenal. Awww,  I just wish I could hang out with them all the time.

Saturday I [unfortunately] had to work. I picked up a shift for Andy so that he could go out of town to visit his sister. It was weird working a Saturday, because I have to do it so rarely. After work,  Alyssa came over and we had a nice little sleepover.

I woke up this morning, albeit early, to the exciting prospect of breakfast with Alyssa, Steph, Jake, and Lisa. So we all met at Hubbard [again, I know....but in my defense I hadn't been to Hubbard in weeks; it just so happens that the 2 times I did go were within 3 days. Oops!] I love their chocolate malts.

The End. =]


  1. Is Alyssa feeling left out or is there another reason for HUGE letters?

  2. Lollerz. I'm sure that there's no reason outside of me being fawesome (fucking+awesome=fawesome, like fugly, but that would be the opposite of me)
    Also, have you ever considered that we are included in the crazy people that are always at SuperWalmart after 11pm. And don't lie - we were there until like 12:45.
    Double Deluxe Butterburger.
    Shots for Gail.
