Tuesday, March 22, 2011

every thug needs a lady

This week was actually pretty horrendous. It was basically the week from hell at work, and I do not want to go into it. That meant that outside of work, I was extremely worn out and pretty crabby.

I had plans to work on a bunch of projects this week, but I didn't get very far on that either. I worked on one knitting project [a pair of mittens for my mommy], but I only got one mitten done, and I'm going to have to EditUndo part of it, because the pattern I followed made a pretty stupid looking mitten. The second project is a hat, which I have yet to start.

Friday was an absolutely gorgeous day, and so I went to the zoo with Steph and Jake. We were looking the most forward to seeing the otters, but they weren't out there the whole time we were there. However, we did get to see the polar bear! He was soooo cute.
He was getting verrrry sleepy as we were leaving.

Me and Jake!

Afterwards I picked Marley up and we went to dinner at Hubbards. The best part was dessert: a chocolate malt made with fudge. Then we did a little bit of shopping, and I went home. 

Saturday I spent the day running a few errands (accidentally more shopping). Mom and Dad brought Alyssa back to Madison,  and we all hung out at my apartment for a few hours. 

Sunday I left work early, because my boyfriend Zach finally came back from his vacation to Hawaii. I got spoiled with lots and lots of gifts (Hawaiian chocolate, and cookies, and 100% Kona Coffee!!!!!, and shell necklaces and paper umbrellas anddddd...the list goes on.)

But it was back to a full day of work today, and it was a little less terrible than last week, but I am running a bit ragged at this point, and I'm terribly jealous of all my close friends who got a spring break. So I'm already looking very forward to my weekend!

Off to bed!

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