Monday, April 29, 2013

Book 8: The Good, Good Pig - Sy Montgomery

So, I finished this book awhile ago and just never got around to writing about it, which seems fitting for my experience with this book. I got this book as a birthday present from my aunt Lisa in 2006, and I meant to read it many times over that period, and just never got around to it...until now!

This book was delightful. For anyone who has a pet or a love for animals in general, it is quick read and very entertaining. This is a memoir of Sy Montgomery's life with her pet pig (complete with pictures) and various other animals. It was entertaining and endearing, and there was a lot of little tidbits of information about pigs that I didn't really know. I also found it really interesting to see how similar the silly stories about Christopher Hogwood (the pig) were to my silly stories growing up with my dogs Doc and Ranger. Not necessarily that they were the exact same stories (although Ranger definitely shared a very similar obsession with food), but they just resonated in a very familiar way. I hypothesize that the sentiments that people have about their pets are universal no matter what the pet is. (Since my experience with pets has been limited to dogs, a bunny, and fish, I can't vouch for this, yet.) Also, I couldn't help notice the similarities in physical descriptions [especially in regards to noises] between Chris and my delightfully snorty bulldog, Abe. =]

I'll also admit that after reading the book, I was definitely obsessed with having my own pet pig [something I won't give up on, but know it won't happen anytime soon]. I'm also really interested the author herself. She is, basically, a nature writer. Her life sounds extremely interesting with lots of trips around the world to research and observe animals in their native habitats for her books and other publications. She's definitely someone who I'm going to add to my list of authors to read more of.

Now, how to get a pig.....

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