Tuesday, April 3, 2012

reunited and it feels so good

I accidentally skipped a week, but I didn't have much to update on anyways. The week before last was a normal work week with not much else going on. Over the weekend Zach and I spent Saturday with his mom and brother, Sam. We went out to dinner at a pretty awesome Italian place that Zach's family has been going to for forever. (Thinking about it is making me really crave fried ravioli and eggplant strips...mmmmmm) Afterwards, Sam played a few songs at a jazz concert so we went and watched him play a little bit. Once we got home we had a friend over and just hung out for the rest of the evening. [Zach and I have also been working on a project - involving Zach's creativity and design skills and my sewing skills, but we're still in early prototype stages, so I'll fill you in more on that at a later date!]

This past week was actually pretty busy. I think I had to get up early every day during the week [early for me], so by the time it got to Saturday I was ready to sleep in - which I definitely did. Thursday was a very exciting day because.... we finally found an apartment! Well, it was actually one of the first apartments we toured in early February,  and we went back the week before last for a second tour, our application was approved early last week, and we signed the lease on Thursday. Its a three bedroom apartment in a nice, wooded, residential neighborhood. Plus the rent is pretty reasonable and the apartment is very spacious with tons of storage [for all my crap that I just can't get rid of]. The lease starts July 15th so we will have a 2 week overlap which will be really nice for moving. So it's a HUGE relief to have that out of the way!

Friday I finally got to meet my friend Lisa's 3 month old, Nora!!! She is ADORABLE. She's the happiest baby I've ever met, and she reminds me a lot of myself when I was a baby - superchunk with bright blue eyes. Lisa is my friend Steph's twin sister, so Steph and Jake were along, too. That was a great way to start out my weekend (albeit being very early). I feel like the theme for this week was reuniting!  - I saw Lisa for the first time in like 4 months. Later in the afternoon, I had a nice long phone date with Britny, and Saturday I went out for dinner with Marley. Sam also started spring break this week, so he came over on Saturday and stayed through Sunday night, which was fun (and Zach and Sam are super entertaining together). Overall this weekend was pretty awesome. =]

After this week, I feel like things are going to get very busy - which is probably good, but I'm starting to feel a little bit lazy, so it also sounds a little overwhelming. I feel like I already have all the weekends for the next month or so booked, so I'm hoping to find relaxing time somewhere in the middle.

And lastly, I want to wish my grandpa a quick, healthy recovery after back surgery this past week. I am sending lots of love and happy thoughts his way!

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