Monday, November 21, 2011

up and up, i keep on climbing

Two weeks in a row!

Unfortunately nothing terribly exciting has happened in the last week. I had a pretty relaxing weekend, which is always nice and much needed. Especially when it gets to this time of year when every free minute seems to be packed.

Friday evening Zach and I went out to dinner with Steph and Jake and Steph's twin sister Lisa, who is due to have a baby VERY soon. We had a very entertaining meal. Jake is obsessed with Spider-man, which just happens to be one of Zach's favorites. [Incidentally, I was also wearing one of Zach's Spider-man t-shirts, which prompted Jake to keep grabbing my chest and yelling Spider-man. That little kid has definitely got some moves.] Jake is also talking a ton now so he is endlessly entertaining. He started by saying that Zach and I were his buddies, and quickly changed his story, saying, "This is my brother, big Zach!" The best moment of the night was probably watching little 2-year-old Jake walking along holding 6'6" Zach's hand. AAAAAAAdorable.

Saturday we went out with a bunch of friends. Andy got a new job, so all of our work friends don't get to see him very much anymore, so he invited everyone to get together. It was nice hanging out with people that we don't get to see very much anymore. (However, I think Zach and I may have had some bad beer, because we both ended up getting really bad stomachaches.)

Nothing else to report. I just got home from work and knew I had to get a blog written before midnight. (I can't disappoint for Blog Monday!) My apartment is freezing, so I'm sitting here all bundled up waiting for it to warm up. In the meantime, I've got to do some cleaning and make dinner.

Hope everyone has a FANTASTIC Thanksgiving!

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