Monday, November 28, 2011

life's a happy song when there's someone by my side to sing along


[I'm getting so good at this posting on time, once a week thing!]

As I'm sure is true for most of you, this past week has been a bit hectic. Lots of running around and a few early mornings means that by the end of the week, I was ready to crash. (Don't worry, I got a nice relaxing day in.)

Since before we were dating, Zach has been waiting [mostly] patiently for the release of the newest Muppets movie. Zach is a huge fan of The Muppets and Jim Henson. I didn't really watch much when I was younger, so Zach has been educating me more and more as the release for the new movie grew closer. Finallllly November 23rd came along. (In all seriousness, Zach found out about the movie approx. 4 years ago, and if I had had to wait that long for something I loved that much, I would have gone absolutely nuts.) Moral of the story, Zach and I went with our friend Ben to the first showing on Wednesday morning. Of course, we *coughzachcough* were so excited the night before that we stayed up well past 6am watching the Muppet Show on DVD. All in all, it was a GREAT movie. I highly recommend it to you all. I've been singing the songs basically non-stop since seeing it and can't wait to go see it again.

Thursday I had to get up really early. For those of you who don't know, my current sleep schedule has me at a bedtime of about 5 or 6 or 630 am. I had to be AWAKE at 730 am on Thursday, so I actually had to put a lot of effort into trying to get to bed early. While I only got about 4 hours of sleep, I was able to get up and get ready and get to Zach's parents house on time so we could leave for the Thanksgiving festivities at his Uncle's house. The food was delicious and we even snuck a nap in during the afternoon.

Friday was my day to relax. I spent the whole day playing video games (mostly Red Dead Redemption) and a little bit of Tetris. It was really nice to not do anything, but it was a little disconcerting that I looked at the clock when I started playing (430 pm) and the next time I looked at the clock it was 1030pm. Oops!

Saturday I got a few things done around the apartment. Mostly some cleaning and a little work getting some pictures in frames and things. Sorry to disappoint, but I've still gotten practically nowhere on decorating this place. For some reason I'm having the hardest time committing to what pictures and art I want up and where to put it. I'll have to just lock myself in here one day and not allow myself to do anything until it's all put up. After some cleaning and such, Zach and I went out to dinner with a few of our friends and then hung out for awhile afterwards (where we got to play with our friends' dog!).

Alright, I should be going. Once again I have come up with a million projects for Christmas presents, but not started on them until now, so I've got a lot to do if I want to meet the Christmas deadline. (However, after everyone has received their presents, there will be pictures of all the handmade ones for you guys to see!) Have a good week everyone!

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