Monday, May 16, 2011

it shines so bright it blinds me

"Once upon a time, I was like, 'oh I need to write a blog,' but then I was like oh my god, I don't want to write a blog." -Anonymous

Blog writing has not been particularly exciting lately, because there has not been a lot of stuff going on to talk about. Plus, my faith in my readers is dwindling - I can't imagine that anyone actually wants to read what I am writing every week [or however often I actually get around to doing it]. But onward I must go...

So....the week of May 1st through May 7th.

Nothing too exciting happened during my work week - work has kind of been draining me lately. But I've gotten much better about not thinking about work when I'm not there, which definitely helps. On Friday [the 6th] I met Steph and our friend Tina for coffee at the cafe across the street from the zoo. Tina has a little girl, Audrey, who is 10 days older than Jake so Tina and Steph get to hang out while Audrey and Jake play together. (They are like little best friends, which is adorable. Steph and Tina tell me stories about how Jake and Audrey ask for each other all the time when they're not together. Its just amazing to me to see how, as they get older, their own personalities are growing, but they are also developing friendships.) So anyways,  we had coffee and then headed across the street to the zoo. We visited the baby lion 3 times  - what a sass! He is just sooooooo entertaining to watch, and its hard to believe that such an uncoordinated, silly little cub will turn into the large, stoic lion that his dad is.

Afterwards I went out to dinner with Marley. We went to Bluephies, which has a pretty interesting menu. For my entree I had a grilled cheese sandwich. Boring, right? No way. It was two pieces of sharp cheddar cheese with a layer of macaroni and cheese and a layer of pulled BBQ pork in the middle. It was disgustingly delicious. (Only disgusting, because I felt like going into a food coma after.) We followed it up with a dessert of cookie dough eggrolls. Basically its just the normal wonton wrappers that are used for eggrolls, filled with chocolate chip cookie dough and deep-fried so the outside is all crispy and the inside is melty cookie dough. Soooo yummy!

Saturday was a full day too. Zach and I got up extra early and went to the Farmers Market so I could have my first taste of the infamous Spicy Cheese bread, which was pretty awesome, plus coffee and a donut. Later in the afternoon, Zach, Andy and I went to Free Comic Book day which they had been talking about all week. [Can't lie, I was excited to get my free comics, too.] Afterwards we went and saw Thor in 3D, which was pretty good. (Sadly, Natalie Portman sucked.)  The day ended with Zach, Andy, Alyssa, and I at Zach's house where we played some trivia games [I kicked ass] and watched a movie.

All in all it was a pretty full weekend, which has become a theme to my life. I don't really relax on the weekends anymore, and just jam-pack my weekends. Its definitely fun, but it can be kind of exhausting.

Alright, sometime soon I'll have the next post, and I'll finally be all caught up!

1 comment:

  1. I read your blogs, so keep sending them :)
