Tuesday, March 22, 2011

every thug needs a lady

This week was actually pretty horrendous. It was basically the week from hell at work, and I do not want to go into it. That meant that outside of work, I was extremely worn out and pretty crabby.

I had plans to work on a bunch of projects this week, but I didn't get very far on that either. I worked on one knitting project [a pair of mittens for my mommy], but I only got one mitten done, and I'm going to have to EditUndo part of it, because the pattern I followed made a pretty stupid looking mitten. The second project is a hat, which I have yet to start.

Friday was an absolutely gorgeous day, and so I went to the zoo with Steph and Jake. We were looking the most forward to seeing the otters, but they weren't out there the whole time we were there. However, we did get to see the polar bear! He was soooo cute.
He was getting verrrry sleepy as we were leaving.

Me and Jake!

Afterwards I picked Marley up and we went to dinner at Hubbards. The best part was dessert: a chocolate malt made with fudge. Then we did a little bit of shopping, and I went home. 

Saturday I spent the day running a few errands (accidentally more shopping). Mom and Dad brought Alyssa back to Madison,  and we all hung out at my apartment for a few hours. 

Sunday I left work early, because my boyfriend Zach finally came back from his vacation to Hawaii. I got spoiled with lots and lots of gifts (Hawaiian chocolate, and cookies, and 100% Kona Coffee!!!!!, and shell necklaces and paper umbrellas anddddd...the list goes on.)

But it was back to a full day of work today, and it was a little less terrible than last week, but I am running a bit ragged at this point, and I'm terribly jealous of all my close friends who got a spring break. So I'm already looking very forward to my weekend!

Off to bed!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

plum passion

This week was another weird week, because my schedule was thrown off a bit. Wednesday was Marley's 21st birthday. [Happppppy Birthday, Marley!] So I left work early and joined her family and some friends for dinner at a barbeque place downtown. The food was awesome - ribs, mac and cheese, fries, spicy cornbread...yum! Plus the company was pretty good, too. Afterwards we went out for a few drinks. At the first place we went, they were having karaoke, and there were quite a few... interesting ...participants. 

On Thurdsay, I finally got to finish dyeing my hair! If you remember, I dyed most of my hair darkdarkdark, but there was just a section in the front that was bleached. But I really missed having color.....a lot. So......

The interesting part about this color is that it changes quite a bit depending on what type of light I'm in. At work under the fluorescents, it looks a lot bluer. At home under warm light, it looks a lot more purple. Either way, I really like it. Much better than the blonde, and even better than the turquoise. Plus it looks really nice with the dark color.

Friday I got to spend an entire afternoon with my wonderful, awesome, entertaining, pretty, funny, perfect sister Alyssa! I picked her up and we met Steph and Jake at Hubbard for lunch. We had an awesome time - Jake has a natural talent for keeping us entertained. We actually spent almost 2 hours just chatting. The time absolutely flew by.  It's always the time with the ones you can't get enough of that seems to pass in a millisecond. Afterwards Alyssa and I went on a mini-shopping trip. When we got to the register, we got into a minor dispute [it wasn't even a dispute so much as me getting confused and Alyssa getting annoyed when she tried to explain something to me]. Our cashier started laughing and finally said, "You two are sisters, aren't you? Yeah, I knew you had to be family...you actin just like me and my daughter!" [I also got to go over to Steph's on Friday night for awhile which was reallllly nice. Thanks to Steph's husband, Chris, for letting us have a girls night!]

Saturday I got super spoiled. My mom came to town and took Alyssa and I out to lunch! We also went to a bookstore where I purchased the Complete, Fully Illustrated works of Lewis Carroll. It is a beautiful looking book, and I've actually never read any of his works [Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass, etc.] AND my daddy stopped by to say hi on his way through and brought me chocolate custard with raspberries on top! Saturday evening I had the apartment to myself so I finallllly finished the painting I've been working on. It is one to go along with the collage I'm planning for my room, so this one is all in blue. It features me with my friends Jenna and Natalie from one of the most memorable nights of my life.

"Mayhem at the Marriot"

Sunday was back to work, and here I am. I am hoping to catch up on some stuff around the house this week. Cleaning, bills, taxes...all that fun stuff. But I do have two knitting projects to work on, which I especially enjoy because it means I get to watch episode after episode of 30 Rock.

Alright, I am just finishing up my cup of Sleepytime tea, so I am off to bed.

[And a very special friend is away on vacation right now, and I'm a little sad and pretty lonely, so come back soon!]

Monday, March 7, 2011

scream and light up the sky

I apologize. I skipped last week. I honestly tried writing - I even have a draft from last week! But it was just boring, and I couldn't put it up. So I will pack the past two weeks into this one post, which should be easy because there has not been a terrible amount of excitement around here. 

The weekend before last I got to go out to breakfast at Hubbard's which was amazing [as usual]. I've been trying to cut down on my trips there, so it was a treat to go - especially because of the company [and I got a chocolate shake!]. I went with my friends Steph, Andy, and Zach (and little Jake of course who is starting to say my name, and even though its not exactly right, it is terrrrribly adorable). We stretched it out and spent a few hours eating awesome food and chatting, and it was a great way to start the day. 

I have also started a new painting - another addition to the wall in bedroom. I got most of it done the week before last, but I've been pretty busy this week, so I haven't really had a chance to finish it, so that will be my goal for this upcoming weekend. I'm not going to go into detail, because I will be putting a picture up as soon as I've got the painting done. [It's had a critique, and now I've got to go in and do some detail work and finish up the background.] 

This past week was a weird week, because I called into work on Tuesday (my Wednesday) which sort of threw the rest of my days [but it was totally worth it.] It was a beautiful day on Tuesday, and Zach and I went to the zoo and hang out with the animals for awhile. It was nice to be able to walk around outside for a few hours with just a sweatshirt and jeans on. [Although I wasn't wearing weather appropriate shoes, and my feet were soaked and cold by the time we returned.]

On Wednesday I had a hair cut and color appointment. My hair is much darker and I love it. There is also a section of blonde in the front that will be there for a little while at least [there will be more developments to come on that]. I will have to post a picture at a later date because I don't have one yet, and I can't take one right now because I just got home from the gym. Yuck. Plus I got a haircut which was nice because I've been cutting my own hair since last summer, so it was definitely due for some professional work. 

I spent the weekend relaxing, which was nice since I tend to jam pack my weekends full and wear myself out. Friday morning I had some appointments, so I started the day out a bit earlier than usual [bright and early at 1030 am]. Afterwards I spent a few hours running some errands and then I came home and super-cleaned. I am not exaggerating when I say super-clean. It was a 5.5 hour project and it involved washing the blinds, washing the walls, reorganizing the pantry....it was exhausting but it felt realllllly good to have everything so clean at the end of the day. 

Saturday I didn't have anything to do until later, so I caught up on a bunch of sleep. I passed out pretty early on Friday night after my cleaning escapades, and I slept really well which was long overdue. I spent Saturday running more errands. I also went out to dinner and had some really awesome Mexican food along with some delicious margaritas [mango and strawberry, but I preferred the mango].

And finally today it was back to work. Luckily this week should go pretty fast. Alright, I think I'm all caught up, and again, I'm terribly sorry for missing last week.